User-driven immersive experiences
This demo will demonstrate an end-to-end Augmented reality (AR) service which leverages the architectural solutions developed within SEASON. The demo will go beyond the state of the art by deploying an AR solution which exploits computation off-load from the user side to the edge. The off-loading of the graphical computation allows to elaborate in real-time profiled content to offer an enhanced immersive experience to the user. However, the transmission from the edge to the end-user of real-time profiled content requires high throughput for multi-stream transmission of rendered content. Such a high throughput can be offered by densifying radio access points, which in turn require dense and high-capacity optical transport. Furthermore, low latency is needed to maintain coordination between the user and edge computation element and among users who are visualising the same content in a coordinated manner. The demo will deploy an open virtual museum in the City of L'Aquila and by leveraging field-deployed experimental infrastructures (O-RAN, SDM optical ring testbed), will demonstrate how such high throughput and low latency requirements will be met by the SEASON architecture, which exploits coordinated SDN-control of high-density radio solutions (O-RAN, cell-free) and high capacity optical technologies (SDM-PON, MBoSDM, etc.) for the radio fronthaul/midhaul and the metro connection with service instance at the edge.
The demo implementation will allow measuring specific KPIs of interest such as (i) MOS, which is expected to be >4, i.e., “Satisfied”/”Very satisfied” against a baseline of 3, i.e., "Medium"; (ii) network latency which is expected to be < 1ms for a >30 number of multimedia users visualising coordinated augmented reality contents against the traditional baseline of 1 ms latency per single user.